Herschel / Astronomy


** Live ** NASA’s Juno Mission to Jupiter

Juno’s principal goal is to understand the origin and evolution of Jupiter. Underneath its dense cloud cover, Jupiter safeguards secrets to the fundamental processes and conditions that governed our solar system during its formation. As our primary example of a giant planet, Jupiter can also provide critical knowledge for understanding the planetary systems being discovered...

**Live** Hipparcos and Gaia: space astrometry — unravelling the formation and evolution of our Galaxy

ESA's Hipparcos satellite measured accurate positions of some 100,000 stars. Doing so from space represented a fundamentally new discipline in space science. ESA adopted the Gaia mission, a vastly more advanced star-mapping satellite, in 2000. Gaia was launched in 2013 and continues to operate flawlessly, measuring the positions of more than two billion stars with...

** Live ** The Looking Glass Universe: From Baryogenesis to Biogenesis

Is there a connection between the excess of matter over antimatter and handedness in biology? Joint lecture with the Herschel Astronomy Group and the Science Group The laws of physics were long thought to be unchanged when viewed in a mirror. We have known for over sixty years that they are not.  As Sakharov first explained,...

** Live ** The Search for Advanced Extraterrestrial Civilisations

Anomalies in Astronomical Survey Data Energy-intensive civilisations are likely to have a significant impact on both their local and extended environments – as already seen here on Earth. Advanced technical civilisations may reveal themselves to other civilisations by introducing anomalous signals into astronomical data. Artificial radio signals are an example but other possibilities include excess...

Live & Virtual Life on Mars? A Short History of 19th-Century Exploration of the Red Planet

Humans have long been intrigued by the possibility that Mars might harbor life. Planetary scientists nowadays continue to hunt for evidence of it, and space technologists even advocate settling ourselves there permanently. These are bold projects, and in this talk I suggest that we look back before we look forward, to consider how humans studied...

Light Pollution is Bad for All

Queen Square or Online 16 Queen Square, Bath

Live & Virtual: Light Pollution is Bad for All Astronomers are aware of the difficulties that light pollution can pose for the pursuit of their activities. However, there is increasing evidence of much broader impacts on our health and environment that bring much wider interests to bear. Artificial light offers many benefits, but needs to...