Children & Families

A warm welcome to our BRLSI family page! I am Professor Ichthyosaurus, your companion and guide on all things BRLSI!

The Bath Royal Literary and Scientific Institution, or BRLSI for short is a place where Science, Literature, and Art come together to help people learn and smile. Grown-ups who love books, science, and art can come here to watch lectures and there are fun activities for children.

The really exciting part is, BRLSI has an amazing collection of things from around the world. Treasures from far-off lands that have been collected by enthusiasts, and these are shown in our exhibitions. Read on to find out more!

🎨School Holiday Activities!

Weds 24th July – Friday 30th August

10AM – 4PM Monday-Friday

🐊Join us for free and fun activities throughout the BRLSI exhibition space and lecture rooms

Each day offers a new and exciting activity, plus the “Name the Jurassic Crocodile” competition. Here are some highlights:

Daily Activities:
💠Is it Treasure?
Explore artefacts using your sense of touch and decide if it’s treasure.

🐦Darwin’s Finches
Collect seeds, beetles, and worms with different tools representing different beak shapes.

🏛️My Museum
Create a temporary display cabinet to showcase your key messages.

👀Optical Illusions
Create and take home a 200-year-old optical illusion.

Greetings, my friends! Allow me, Pete the Plesiosaurus, to introduce our Family Newsletter. Sent out four times a year, it includes news of the fun activities happening here, and some entertaining adventures from Professor Ichthyosaurus.