Art meets science: seeking sustainability in the built environment
Wed 30 March, 2022
7:30 pm - 9:00 pm BST
Architecture and science may sound worlds apart. However architecture reveals itself as a source of inspiration in the use of materials that are at the same time efficient and sustainable. Science, on the other hand, can deliver solutions to the many challenges faced today. Construction industry and buildings are responsible for around 30% of CO2 emissions. In the UK alone construction industry is responsible for almost half of the CO2 emissions and constructions materials account for 19% of total greenhouse gas emissions. It is imperative that building materials are sustainable and deliver high performance.
This talk will explore how nanoscience and architecture can be employed together to do just that, using sustainable building materials with superior durability and resilience. The speaker will be looking into a few possibilities and applications of nanotechnology to deliver construction materials with superior engineered properties.
Dr Juliana Calabria-Holley, Lecturer in the Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering, University of Bath
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