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Live & Virtual – “Eating Up Easter”

Thu 13 May, 2021
9:58 am

Online Event
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At 7.30pm on Thursday, 8th April, 2021, Bath Royal Literary and Scientific Institution (BRLSI) Geography and Adventure Group will show the award winning film “Eating Up Easter” in a live Zoom event. This event will be in association with the Royal Geographical Society (with IBG).
In the film native Rapanui (Easter Island) filmmaker Sergio Mata’u Rapu will narrate to his son the modern dilemma of their people who risk losing everything to the globalizing effects of tourism.
The film follows four islanders, descendants of the ancient Moai statue builders of Easter Island, who are working to tackle the consequences of their rapidly developing home. Islander Mama Piru leads recycling efforts to reduce trash, Mahani and Enrique use music to reunite their divided community, and Sergio tries to understand the motivations of his father who embraces the advantages of building new businesses. These stories intertwine to reveal the complexities of development and the contradictions within us all as we are faced with hard choices about our planet’s future.
Topics Addressed:
•            Plastic Pollution
•            Sustainability
•            Waste Management
•            Environmental  Impact of Tourism
•            Loss of Cultural Identity
•            Globalization
Plastic Ocean International sincerely thanks Kartemquin Films and Pacific Islanders in Communications for their work on this project; as well as that of the amazing filmmakers, Sergio and Elena Rapu.
BRLSI is delighted that filmmakers Sergio and Elana Rapu have agreed to join our Zoom event with Tod Hardin COO of Plastic Ocean International to answer Questions at the end of the 37 minute film.

Sergio Rapu, Filmmaker and Tod Hardin Chief Operations Officer of Plastic Ocean International, Plastic Ocean International

Visitors £5, Members & Students £2