‘The Next Generation of Dreadnoughts: Why do we need them?’ 6 Dec 2017 7.30pm

Wednesday 6 December 2017 7.30pm-9pmJoint event with BRLSI World Affairs​
‘The Next Generation of Dreadnoughts: Why do we need them?’
Admiral Sir Mark Stanhope GCB OBE DL
Admiral Mark Stanhope will put the case for the replacement of the Vanguard Class Deterrent Submarines and the need for maintenance of Continuous At Sea Deterrence (so-called CASD) for the strategic security of this country and allies. He will outline a history of CASD through Polaris and Trident delivery systems with an insight into past, current and future threats and will include a review of the new build programme.
A​dvance Booking: Bath Box Office
www.bathboxoffice.org.uk    01225 463362
Visitors £6  BRLSI & RGS-​IBG​  Members / Students £4
T​ickets at the door: Visitors £6 BRLSI & RGS-IBG Members /Students £4

Geography & Adventure