On view will be ‘Darwin’ the world’s first self-replicating RepRap 3D printing machine (which was recently seen at the V&A). RepRap is short for REPlicating RAPid-prototyper – humanity’s first self-replicating general-purpose manufacturing machine. ‘Rapid Prototyper’ is engineer-speak for a 3D printer: that is, a machine that you plug into your computer and that will then print you working solid objects made from plastic (or other materials) entirely automatically.
It was invented at the University of Bath by Dr Adrian Bowyer, who has generously allowed this technology to be freely available on the internet for anyone to replicate. So ‘RepRap’ printing machines have mushroomed to become a world-wide phenomenon.
Adrian Bowyer, inventor of the Darwin machine
Also on show will be objects made by the RepRap 3D printer, such as a pair of child’s sandals; a pair of pliers; RepRap machine parts; and remarkably, a flying drone manufactured by the RepRap printing machine.
Martin Sturge (convenor) and Adrian Bowyer (creator) at the RapRap exhibition opening
Dr Bowyer will talk about his creative process on the opening night of the Exhibition on Friday 10th February at 7.30 pm.
His talk is entitled:
‘Curiosity – a Path to Happiness :The rewards and pitfalls of invention’.
All welcome:
Visitors £4 / Members & Students £2
This Exhibition and talk is part of an exciting new Series on all aspects of CREATIVITY recently launched at BRLSI and is expected to run for two years.