The BRLSI’s Board of Trustees meeting under the Lonsdale Room Plesiosaur.
Clockwise from bottom left: Liz Vincent, Richard Guthrie, Betty Suchar (Vice-Chair, obscured),
John Garrett (Secretary), Julian Vincent (Chair), Rodney Tye (attending for Finance Sub-Committee),
Don Cameron, David Giles, Evelyn Lewis, Paul Stephens, Marie-Louise Luxemburg. (Pic: Martin Sturge)
Thursday 19th November: The BRLSI’s Board of Trustees met for the first time since October’s AGM and the election of three first-time Trustees. Two meetings were, in fact, held – the AGM of the Charity (which agreed the accounts) and the regular quarterly meeting of the Board. Items approved included an increase in the BRLSI’s publicity budget for a trial period, and the acquisition of a (strictly controlled) company credit card to facilitate purchases from the increasing number of suppliers who are not geared up for accepting cheques.
All eight elected Trustees attended the meeting, plus one of the nine nominated members (Bath University nominee Prof Julian Vincent, Chair of Trustees). A representative of Bath Spa University attended as an observer with a view to possibly joining the Board. Two BRLSI members (Geoff Catchpole and Martin Sturge) also attended as observers.
The Board of Trustees meets four times per year, and the next meeting is on Thursday 18th February 2010 at 7.15pm. All BRLSI members are welcome to attend as observers (please bring your membership card). Agendas and minutes (once approved and signed at the next meeting) are posted in the members area of this website.