Bath Royal Literary and Scientific Institution Covid Guidelines

Bath Royal Literary and Scientific Institution look forward to hosting you for events and lectures. It is really important to us that you enjoy your time with us and that the Bath Royal provides a space that keeps you safe during a rather challenging time. Please read our Covid-19 guidance and email us with any further safety concerns or requests you may have on


We remain aware of the level of concern about the risks from Coronavirus and we are keeping abreast of information provided by Dept. of Health and Social Care (DHSC)and the NHS, and are following official advice.

The BRLSI is committed to informing our community if there are any positive cases that could affect the BRLSI.

The BRLSI Coronavirus Response Team (CORT) is closely monitoring this situation and official advice. If you have any specific questions that are not answered below, please email .


Is the BRLSI open as normal?
Yes, although hygiene requirements remain in place.

What action is the BRLSI taking?
We have been following DHSC advice and guidance and will communicate regularly with our staff, volunteers and Members.  We are monitoring the situation closely and we continue to provide as much advice, care and support as we can to our BRLSI community.

The CORT meets regularly to ensure that we have appropriate procedures and arrangements in place. This group is made up of key leaders from across the BRLSI.

We undertaken formal Risk Assessments for all phases and as part of this have defined social distancing, hygiene and cleaning arrangements.

Is it possible to hire rooms at the BRLSI?
Please enquire about Room Hire bookings by sending an email to: Below you will find our latest guidelines:

  1. Client will adhere to the maximum capacity of the room as stated by BRLSI –  this may change at intervals depending on government advice. Please contact Room Hire for details of final set-up arrangements.
  2. Clients will make their own risk assessment regarding social distancing and the wearing of face coverings in their hired room – government continues to encourage at least 1 metre of social distancing.
  3. Clients/event attendees are strongly encouraged to wear face coverings on entering BRLSI and in all communal areas of the building at all times, unless exempt for health/disability reasons or when eating/drinking.
  4. All rooms will be cleaned and disinfected between bookings. Hand sanitiser available in reception / toilets / half-landing / each room.
  5. Windows and doors must be kept open as directed by the CORT. Use of electric fans as advised by Room Hire Manager.
  6. Refreshments provided, along with single-use cups. Clean-up of all refreshment paraphernalia must be undertaken by client using the bins provided.
  7. No-one with symptoms of Covid-19 should attend any event or meeting. It is strongly recommended that anyone who has been in contact with a person with symptoms should not attend any event or meeting unless they have a negative Lateral Flow Test.
  8. Responsibility for following COVID regulations rests with the client once in the hired room.