You say potato I say potato. . . . No, we’re not about to call the whole thing off but you may have noticed that knowing what to call us is sometimes a bit of a struggle. Do you do a Penelope Keith and plump for the whole Bath Royal Literary and Scientific Institution? Do you pronounce it ‘Brillsy’ or ‘Brizzly’ or break it down into ‘B_R_L_S_I’, phoning the front desk or buying your ticket can sometimes be something of a self-conscious affair.

That’s why we are making it easier for you! Don’t worry we are still the ‘Bath Royal Literary and Scientific Institution’, but to make it less of a mouthful,  we will be referring to ourselves as the ‘Bath Royal’ from hereon in.

It’s going to take time to get used to it and let’s be honest for the institution formerly known as BRLSI to change the letterheads! However, with a new website, Smartphone App and Logo out there already, we thought now as good a time as any to make a change that we hope will make things a little easier for us all.
And speaking of the website, please visit and let us know what you think!