Heritage Open Days 2024 – Drop in and sample the BRLSI video archive!

Watch a selection of video from the BRLSI archive live for Heritage Open Days.


As part of BRLSI’s Heritage Open Days celebration, alongside a series of taster lectures, throughout the week there will be short videos to watch, some edited from previous BRLSI talks, ranging from Why Bath is a World Heritage City to Applying Artificial Intelligence to solve scientific mysteries, plus five insightful extra videos on how our brains shape the way we live.

These will be showing on a loop in the Draper Room: 10am on Monday 9, Thursday 12 and Friday 13 and 1pm every day.

 Sampling videos from the BRLSI archive is a great way of finding out what we are and what we offer. 

These videos can be viewed:

Mornings: Monday 9, Thursday 12 and Friday 13 September 2024

Afternoons daily: Monday 9 to Friday 13 September 2024

The running order goes as follows:


Approx start time
10.00Linking the Mind & the Brain: Neuropsychologist Prof Chris Frith looks at physical aspects of brain function
10.15What makes Bath a World Heritage City? By Barry Gilbertson and Prof Tim Mowl
10.21Slowing the decline in insect populations: By Prof Stuart Reynolds
10.41Culture and the Brain: Prof Chris Frith explains how simply being exposed to our culture modifies our brains
10.51Hegel and the end of History: Andreas Wasmuth explains German philosopher Hegel’s universe in a nutshell
11.03Questions about the plan to redevelop the rugby ground on Bath Rec: Paul Jackson looks at the risks and architect Mark Wilson-Jones suggests an alternative
11.11Imitation and alignment: Prof Chris Frith explains how empathy helps us survive and thrive
11.26Bath Floods: Dr Thomass Kjeldsen looks at terrible flooding in Bath’s past and how it was prevented
11.48AI & Protein Folding: Professors Stuart Reynolds and Jean van den Elson on the contribution of artificial intelligence to the solution of a thorny problem in biological science
11.59The Mental World: Prof Chris Frith explains how our perceptions affect how we see the world
12.13Heideggar & the Question of Being: Andreas Wasmuth explains the thinking of German philosopher Martin Heideggar
12.28Panoramas, Virtual Spaces & Immersivity: John Law explores virtual reality from historical panoramas to modern technical innovations
12.37Creating Culture: Prof Chris Frith explains how sharing experiences builds social cohesion
12.53Was the Hiroshima Bomb justifiable? Francis Pike explains why the Americans dropped the atom bomb
12.56John Herschel’s Enduring Legacy: Dr Stephen Case highlights an international celebrity scientist now overshadowed by his more famous father


Afternoons daily: Monday 9 to Friday 13 September 2024


13.15Linking the Mind & the Brain: Neuropsychologist Prof Chris Frith looks at physical aspects of brain function
13.30What makes Bath a World Heritage City? By Barry Gilbertson and Prof Tim Mowl
13.36Slowing the decline in insect populations: By Prof Stuart Reynolds
13.56Culture and the Brain: Prof Chris Frith explains how simply being exposed to our culture modifies our brains
14.06Hegel and the end of History: Andreas Wasmuth explains German philosopher Hegel’s universe in a nutshell
14.18Questions about the plan to redevelop the rugby ground on Bath Rec: Paul Jackson looks at the risks and architect Mark Wilson-Jones suggests an alternative
14.26Imitation and alignment: Prof Chris Frith explains how empathy helps us survive and thrive
14.41Bath Floods: Dr Thomass Kjeldsen looks at terrible flooding in Bath’s past and how it was prevented
14.53AI & Protein Folding: Professors Stuart Reynolds and Jean van den Elson on the contribution of artificial intelligence to the solution of a thorny problem in biological science
15.04The Mental World: Prof Chris Frith explains how our perceptions affect how we see the world
15.18Heideggar & the Question of Being: Andreas Wasmuth explains the thinking of German philosopher Martin Heideggar
15.33Panoramas, Virtual Spaces & Immersivity: John Law explores virtual reality from historical panoramas to modern technical innovations
15.42Creating Culture: Prof Chris Frith explains how sharing experiences builds social cohesion
15.59Was the Hiroshima Bomb justifiable? Francis Pike explains why the Americans dropped the atom bomb
16.02John Herschel’s Enduring Legacy: Dr Stephen Case highlights an international celebrity scientist now overshadowed by his more famous father

Be sure to join us, and if you like what you see do subscribe to our YouTube channel VirtualBRLSI !

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